God is Love.

We are ALL the Same.

Unite the World.

Heal Your Soul.

It is Time.


April Michelle Lewis


Author, Speaker & Spiritual Teacher of The STABLE Philosophy 

Welcome ALL,

I want to thank you so much for visiting.

We live in a world that seems divided and chaotic. Life here on earth can feel overwhelming, daunting and at times quite scary. However, I am here to tell you that I see so much good, so much beauty in this world.

I am here to welcome you in to this idea, The STABLE Philosophy, one where our lives ‘here’ (on earth) and our lives ‘there’ (in the afterlife) are no longer separate, but meshed together in all we think, say and do.

In may never be perfect here on earth but as long as I live and breathe I will work towards teaching the closest thing to ‘Heaven on Earth’ as we can get. I truly wish that this philosophy is recognized around the globe long after I leave this earth.

The world is going through incredibly difficult growing pains. But unity and peace are possible. I believe that if we start with teaching this philosophy to ourselves, our communities and our countries, we can unite the world in the peace and love we have been praying for, for centuries.

The late scientist and mathematician Charles P. Steinmetz believed that the time would come when the act of prayer (and I believe the understanding of the afterlife) would be as scientific as the rules of mathematics or the laws of physics. Spirituality is science and science is spirituality. There is no divide. It is physically impossible that we come from different Creators.

We hold the keys to more joy and more unity. Those keys are found in the scientific studies of the Near Death Experience. Let’s remove the barriers and heal our world, heal our souls. It’s time. I am here to teach and guide you.

I see the light in you,



One-on-One Sessions

April will work with you one-on-one and tailor The STABLE Philosophy to your own unique story.
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This spiritual guide provides a philosophy designed to both heal the individual and ultimately carry them into a new era of unity.

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